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Thanks for not flushing wipes, facial tissue and paper towel

Thanks for not flushing wipes, facial tissue and paper towel

As some Ontario municipalities report an increase in sewer clogs due to flushed wipes, Utilities Kingston thanks the local community for properly disposing wipes, facial tissue and paper towel.

“Our wastewater system operators have confirmed: Kingston’s sanitary system isn’t yet showing an increase in clogs, as related to the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Jim Keech, President and CEO of Utilities Kingston.

As residents spend more time at home, other municipalities are reporting an increase in sanitary system issues, due to an increase in using disinfectant wipes and residents resorting to other options in light of the toilet paper shortage.

Utilities Kingston is committed to the reliability of core utility services. They are counting on residents to do their part by not flushing wipes.

“We thank the community for your efforts. Please keep up the great work and place wipes, facial tissue and paper towel in the garbage. These steps will help protect your home from a costly and unpleasant sewer back-up,” says Keech.

Our community is reminded: flush only the three P’s: pee, poo and toilet paper. Flushing other items, like facial tissue, paper towel and wipes, causes equipment to fail, poses a health and safety risk to staff – and can even put your home at risk of sewage back-ups. Place these items in the garbage instead.

Here’s how to properly dispose of the following:

  1. Wipes of any kind: cleaning, baby and hand wipes go in the garbage, even if the package claims they are flushable. It’s a toilet, not a trash can!
  2. Similarly, used paper towel and facial tissue belong in the garbage.
  3. Fats, oils and greases (“FOGs”) can combine with wipes to create an even bigger problem.  Wipe greasy pans with a paper towel and put it in the Green Bin. Dispose of solidified fats and grease in a one hundred per cent paper cup, in your Green Bin. Dispose of cooking oil in a screw-top container in your garbage. (Utilities Kingston and its partners are temporarily suspending the FOG cup program.)

Learn more about protecting your home and health by knowing what not to flush.